Data Bites

RADIUS security news and updates from the Cloud RADIUS team.

MAC vs Router Mode For RADIUS Authentication

Our dependence on internet connectivity spans work and leisure, necessitating safeguarding our confidential information from unauthorized access. Implementing authentication protocols is a highly effective method for a secure network. Various authentication protocols exist, such as RADIUS and modem/router-based authentication. Both methodologies provide a degree of protection but vary in efficacy and user-friendliness. This blog post […]

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Two widely used protocols, LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) and RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) are essential to network authentication and access management. These protocols are the crucial building pieces that allow for effective and safe user management in a networked setting. LDAP is especially good at handling user IDs and associated attributes since […]

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The Stages of 802.1X Authentication

The 802.1X authentication protocol is a state-of-the-art cryptographic network technology that provides protection for both wired and wireless networks. The fundamental concept behind the implementation of security protocols is rooted in the necessity to safeguard confidential data and authenticate individuals endeavoring to illicitly infiltrate the system. Upon network enrollment, devices must undergo authentication, which is […]

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What Is a Linux RADIUS Server?

It's important to understand that not all RADIUS solutions are the same, let's compare and contrast Linux RADIUS vs. other solutions.

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RadSec vs RADIUS: What’s the difference?

When it comes to network infrastructure, there can be a lot of confusion over all the different terminology and protocols. It’s common for people to get bogged down by jargon, making it difficult to understand exactly what things actually mean in a practical sense.

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